When finding psychedelic mushrooms in Northwest states, the Thrasher  is an “exceptionally stable” choice. Thrasher is a variant of a variant, originating with the Homestead or Melmac PE (named for the home planet of the titular alien in the sitcom ALF) strain of the Penis Envy mushroom. The name Homestead comes from an early 1980s spore vendor in the Pacific Northwest, where the Penis Envy mushroom is thought to have originated.

 All trips begin with the intention to buy shrooms, or to order magic mushrooms online. After that, you may be microdosing to help with daily life, or taking a heroic dose and leaving the planet. Regardless of intention, when using Thrasher make sure your “set and setting” are good. It’s good to know what your goals are going into the trip. Perhaps take 1.5 – 2.5g and settle into a deep 60-90 minute meditation.

APPEARANCE | The thicker stems and smaller caps give this psilocybe a slight resemblance to a penis, with the story being told that the name comes from the shroom being compared to a “donkey dong.” Stems bruise blue when picked or damaged, a sure sign of high psilocybin content when you’re looking for shrooms to buy.

DURATION |  Although quite a bit more potent than many magic mushrooms, the Thrasher follows the same general timeline as its less-potent cousins. When you buy shrooms and then eat them, they tend to come up between 40 and 60 minutes after consumption. Trips last between 5 – 8 hours.